PEC Homes

By creating genuinely affordable, healthy homes in the heart of Plymouth, our community can be part of the solution to tackle fuel poverty and climate change. This organisation is in the preliminary stages of being established.


We want to:

  • Use excellent design and clean energy to build affordable homes fit for the future.
  • Give local people the chance to choose a comfortable home with low bills and a fair rent; one that supports a sustainable lifestyle, promotes quality health and well-being and importantly, provides a stable, long-term home to be proud of.
  • Offer an ethical and innovative management model that allows our community to buy community shares and cooperatively run this business, just like we do with our solar installations. This way, local people can plan, design and determine the outcome, potentially earn a fair return and ensure any profits are re-invested to benefit the whole community.

We want local people to help with the details: design, waste, energy, transport, food, and ownership and bring it together to shape how we make it happen!

A new organisation

10 Principles

Introducing the concept

On the 13th February, 45 people joined us to discuss how community-led housing could develop in Plymouth. PEC's CEO, Alistair, gave a presentation about our initial idea and introduced a potential new build site at Kings Tamerton. The event was a real success with participants discussing why community-led housing would be important and exploring ideas around 10 areas such as waste, energy, transport, defined by a concept called One Planet Living.

Generating ideas

Further along the journey

We have now held a number of gatherings to establish the governance structure for the new organisation, the time line to aim towards and design working groups. We have a number of people keen to be involved with design, governance, as potential tenants, as potential investors or simply as supporters. Soon we will be establishing a new organisation to enable community-led housing in Plymouth.

Community-led housing projects in progress

Market Engagement

Get Involved

Home word

We might have already started the process but it's not too late to get involved, it will be quite a journey and this is only the beginning. We are looking for individuals and organisations from our local community to join us, you could be a potential tenant, an investor, a designer or Director or even just curious and want to be kept up to date. We want YOU to help with the details: design, waste, energy, transport, food, and ownership and bring it together to shape how we make it happen!

Become a member

In March 2020, PEC Homes became an official entity, and was established as a Community Benefit Society. Members are at the heart of what we do, so if you are interested in becoming a Member, then please read our Membership Policy to below, to find out what it means to be a Member. If this sounds like something you want to do then please download the application form below.

Icon advice

Register your interest

Want to find out more and get involved?

Email Us 01752 477117