Our Work


SunPeople Project

Our exciting European collaboration to reduce carbon emissions from heating by combining heat pumps and solar.

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Pennycross sml

Solar education

We've partnered up with the wonderful team at Solar Power Education to offer local schools the opportunity to 'get hands on' with solar at Ernesettle.

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PEC homes 13 Feb

Kings Tamerton community led housing

Our first project in our exciting new venture into community-led housing.

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Youth workshop

Youth climate action workshops

Exploring how we can change the future and look after ourselves whilst we do it!

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Anna draught proofing

Special help for Ham, St Budeaux & Devonport

Eurpoean funded project to provide home energy visits to 1000 households.

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Art & Energy

We've teamed up with Art & Energy to show the power of creativity through solar art projects.

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Hives sml

Black bees & thermahives at Ernesettle solar

Our solar array isn't the only thing buzzing in Ernesettle, we also have resident Black Bees thanks to Naturesave Trust.

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Family on bare stairs

Cold Realities community-led photographic exhibition

We joined Plymouth residents and fellow social enterprise, Fotonow to reveal what it really means to be fuel poor.

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HH group landscape

Healthy Homes project

During 2016, we used funding from the Healthy Homes Fund (British Gas Energy Trust) to help over 100 households, assessing the impact that poor housing can have on health.

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Ernesettle Solar and Community

Ernesettle ground-mounted solar array

In 2016, we transformed 18 acres of derelict land into our first ground-mounted solar array, raising £1m in community shares and providing huge benefits for the wider community.

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Group shot

Warm & Well

Our Big Lottery project, helping anyone with a physical disability, mental health need or learning disability to stay warm and well.

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Distance group shot web

Our second solar share offer

In 2015, our second solar share offer raised £850,000 and allowed us to build 10 more solar roofs, including our largest on Plymouth Life Centre.

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Teresa outside home

External wall insulation scheme

Between 2014 and 2016, 700 households in Plymouth received grants towards external wall insulation.

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Big smile

Our first solar share offer

In 2014, we launched our first share offer, raising £602,000 in just six weeks, we were able to build 22 solar roofs on schools and community buildings.

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