Free renewable energy installation

We want to help you install solar panels, meaning your organisation can generate clean energy, reduce bills and tackle fuel poverty... at no cost!

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We are always looking for more rooftop sites to install solar PV panels on, and we would like to work with you. This will mean you can benefit from lower energy bills whilst giving back to your local community.

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As well as this, onsite solar can protect you from increasing energy prices for up to 30 years. If this sounds like something you are interested in, then please use the contact us button below, so we can kickstart the process of helping you to install solar PV panels.

We do it all, at no cost to you...

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  • We assess the opportunity for solar installation and calculate your potential carbon and financial savings.
  • We take care of surveys, grid connection and planning applications.
  • We prepare a legal agreement for us to lease your land or roof.
  • We develop and fund the installation, allowing local community ownership.
  • Surplus revenue supports free services to help Plymouth residents improve energy efficiency and reduce fuel poverty.
  • We take care of all on-going maintenance requirements.

Benefitting everyone...

In front of panels
  • We have successfully funded and built 33 solar installations on schools and organisations in Plymouth, all owned by the community. This generates the equivalent clean energy to power 1,500 homes a year.
  • Existing host organisations have saved in excess of £300,000 to date.
  • By generating clean energy, we can reduce carbon emissions and provide a healthier, sustainable future.
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Contact us now

to find out more

Email us 01752 477117

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